Competitive Shooter & Brand Ambassador
Dianna and her husband Ryan are truly the whipped cream, AND the cherry on top when it comes to brand ambassadors. Getting both as a package deal is truly like having your cake and eating it too! Firsthand we can tell you that these aren’t just words, they truly are an integral part of our family here at HIPERFIRE.
Since joining our team back in 2015, Dianna has grown immensely in the industry and become known for her charismatic, outgoing, take no shit personality. Dianna is the epitome of what we believe in when it comes to hard work, perseverance, and how we treat and grow with, others.
We simply cannot say enough about or put into words how truly important Dianna is to our family. If you see her out at the range, at a trade show, or marching up the steps of congress, show her some love and support. She truly deserves it.

“From a very young age, my father introduced me to shooting, and always hoped I would pay more attention to it, but horses and barrel racing were my first love. Dad and I would go to a USPSA match here and there when I was in high school, but when I got out on my own, I stuck with horses. Until I found 3-gun in 2009. As a police officer, I loved the three platforms since I used them all at work and thought it was a good way to practice. But I fell in love with the people and over the next two years, I went from 100% horses to 100% guns. I sold my farm and moved to town!”
Qualifications and Achievements
“I’ve been blessed to represent the US in the IPSC World Shotgun Championship in Italy in 2015, and France in 2018. It’s really the closest thing to the Olympics that we can get. I earned a silver medal in the individual competition and gold in the team. It doesn’t get much better than hearing the National Anthem and holding the flag on the podium!”
“Other highlights of my career not performance related, include founding the DC Project-Women for Gun Rights, being on the front cover of TIME magazine, and testifying in front of Congress, twice so far! My husband Ryan and I also host the Ambassador Academy, which is a five-day course that focuses on how to be a more effective communicator and influencer.”
Years in the Industry
“I’ve been competing since 2009, but my full attention turned to the industry in 2014 when I retired earlier than expected from the Tulsa Police Department to pursue shooting as a second career!”